Department of Political Science:IMG 20191001 WA0008

In 1985,the subject political science was introduced in our college. The main mission of the department is to pursue studies in socio political process with an aim to address challenges faced by the society, to create awareness in society about various rights, liberties and freedom that individual enjoy and to create future citizens with moral commitment to these values.

The present strength of the department : At present three are three Asstt Prof. in the department. They are

  • Mr. Abhijit Buragohain (M.A.)
  • Mrs. Jyotimoni Gogoi (M.A., M. Phil.)
  • Mrs.  Sangita Phukon  (HoD)   (M.A, M.Phil., SLET)

Library : The departmental library is equipped with more than one hundred books and students are highly benefited from these. We hope to increase this number very soon.  "Freedom"is the wall magazine published by the department annually to developed creativity and thought process among the students.