The Department of English, GKB College, Tamulichiga,  which started in 1983 has now stepped intoWall magazine its 38th year with not so an insipid holocaust, although working in a rural background which generally lacks a congenial atmosphere for teaching English as a language. The department has started imparting Major course in English very recently in response to the call of time.

The department is trying its level best to adapt the students to current day environment in which English language has become the inevitable medium of social and digital communication. The department has enough books to guide the students and the process is on for increase in collection. The first issue of the departmental wall magazine 'Arcadia' has been launched in 2019. The faculty members have continuously endeavoured to keep themselves and their teaching skills updated and at per with the changing need of hour.

Faculty members:

  • Mrs. Dipanjali Bhuyan Borah (M.A. M.Phil)
  • Mr. Pradip Changmai (M.A.)
  • Mr. Pramathesh Deka (HoD)  (M.A. NET)